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the Rebels

Sfeerfoto van het interieur van Studio Duel waarin Hederik zijn surfboard aan het waxen is.
Sfeerfoto van het koffiezetten in Studio Duel

Wat is a Rebel?

We are well-rested know-it-alls. Stubborn and idiosyncratic. We dare to refute customers' assumptions. We are not tied to processes and never do the same thing twice. Expect the unexpected from us.


We provide unsolicited strategic and substantive advice in the areas of sustainability, inclusivity and creativity.


We stick to our substantive and creative impact journey to a better world. If your project does not contribute to this... do not call us.


creative team

Portrait Patricia de Koning

Patricia de Koning

Patricia has been working as a graphic designer at Duel since 2021. She is a strong graphic designer who is also good at illustrating and animating.

Portrait Hederik van der Kolk

Hederik van der Kolk

Hederik is co-founder, graphic designer and art director at Duel. He has a broad knowledge of sustainability and knows how to translate this into powerful visual language.

Portrait Bas de Koning

Bas de Koning

Bas is co-founder, graphic designer and concept developer at Duel. His designs are not only eye candy, but also tell a clear and coherent story. 

Portrait Tom Munneke

Tom Munnike

Tom has been working as a graphic designer at Duel since 2018. His designs are typographically playful, sometimes experimental and often impressively illustrative.

Thanks for submitting!

Let's meet
over Coffee

With our strategic know-how and outspoken creativity, we help hundreds of people and companies to take major steps towards a fair, healthy and sustainable future.


Do you need a critical and creative design agency to make your project a success? Call us or come by.

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